

Crochet Wayuu-Inspired Backpack

For the past year or so I've been getting really into crochet. Frankly, it's basically a straight-up addiction at this point. The feel of the yarn, all the pretty colors, watching a project turn from a ball of string into something useful... I just can't seem to get enough of it. You should see the stash of yarn I've built up. I'd be ashamed of myself if I hadn't gotten it all on sale.

My favorite things to crochet right now are bags. There are so many different styles to play with and I just love making something practical. I was super flattered that the hubs's cousin liked a backpack I whipped up a while back and asked me to make one for her, so I took the opportunity to try my hand at making one inspired by the Wayuu Mochila bags I've been seeing all over Pinterest. And here she is in all her glory:

I couldn't find a pattern in the style I wanted, so I had to take matters into my own hands. Yep, I'm officially confident enough that I'm starting to create my own designs. It's definitely not perfect (don't count those stitches in my rounds), but it works, and it's pretty cute if I do say so myself!

Using Lily Sugar 'n Cream cotton yarn and a 5mm hook, I started with an oval base made with 2 strands of yarn, which turned out nice and sturdy and stiff enough to hold its shape when the bag is full.  If not exactly symmetrical, it's at least functional!

After that I built up the sides working with all four strands of colors carried along in each round of tapestry crochet. I drew up the pattern on graph paper; it was actually easier than I thought and took less time than scouring Pinterest for a cute design with the right amount of stitches.

Finally I added the drawstrings, created the flap in a half-round (which I sewed on), and crocheted on the straps. Easy peasy! Now that I've finished this one for hubs's cousin, I'm tempted to make one for myself too. Maybe after Christmas!


  1. Holy crap, you made that?!?! That’s impressive!! And I am mind-blown that you created the pattern I would have NO idea how to do that. Where/when did you first learn to crochet?
    I learned to loom knit several years ago, and I really loved it. My friend taught me, but she took it to a whole other level using expensive yarns and fancy-pants patterns and stitches, and I tried in vain to keep up. I collected all the tools and fancy yarns, but lacked the focus and patience to do the intricate work, so I ended up giving it up. But I do miss doing a hat or scarf every now and then.

  2. I seriously started just by looking on Pinterest for easy patterns last Christmas. I mean, I could sort of crochet a straight line several years ago so I figured I could follow a simple pattern. And from there I just googled what I didn't know and slowly worked my way through patterns and practiced until I got the hang of it. I definitely think it takes a certain personality and a LOT of patience to do the work. BUT I totally think you can do it if you want to :) It is pretty easy, just a matter of taking the time to learn.


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