

Getting ahead of myself

Yep, that's what I've been doing all week it seems!

I spent half the day yesterday planning our road trip to Iowa... which takes place in SEPTEMBER. The whole point of the road trip is to explore, venture out, and be spontaneous... but I am a planner! And when I get excited I PLAN! I can't help it. :)

Want to see where we're going? Okay look:

(The red line is how we are getting there and the blue line is coming home.)

We'll be gone for 2 weeks, spending about 4 days in Cedar Rapids (where hubs' cousin lives) and 1.5 days in Denver. We're also stopping in Phoenix to see the Dodgers play the DBacks, and in Kansas City to see a Royals game. And we're debating whether to go to Vegas (for hubs' and some friends' birthdays) or the Grand Canyon (which neither of us has been to) the first weekend. Other than that we'll just be driving, driving, driving...

So lately I've been googling offbeat things to see on the road. Can you tell I'm a little excited about this trip? I've never been on a "real" road trip before, and I've never driven farther east than Flagstaff. We're taking main highways, but going the same way as route 66 (well, most of the way), so I'm sure we'll have plenty of opportunities to see some wacky stuff, and that's what I'm looking forward to most.

I'm sure I'll have lots more to say about this in the next 2.5 months, but I'll give it a rest for now! :)

Happy Hump Day!


  1. I'm the same way Kitty...always plan things way in advance!

    Hey, do you guys have anything specific planned for Denver? We're only about an hour away and it would be awesome to hang out! :)

  2. Oooooh Sounds like a fun road trip! I am sure you can find all kinds of neat things to see!

  3. That really does sound neat! Are you guys going by motorcycle? (I think that is what you said).

    2 weeks, awesome.

  4. Caitlin - we don't have any specific plans. Maybe we can get together for dinner! :)

    Erin - I wish! (Well, if we had a comfier motorcycle that is!) Nah we're just cruisin in the ol' Scion. :)

  5. That sounds like great fun. I love planning trips, its very exciting.

  6. I live in Iowa!!!! But not close to Cedar Rapids :(

  7. I see a problem here:

    Neither of your routes go through Vegas. LOL!!


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