

Wishin' and hopin' and thinkin' and prayin'...

It's been a long time since I've had a baby dream, and even longer since I've had a dream I was pregnant. I thought I missed having those dreams, cuz heck, if I couldn't actually BE pregnant at least I could pretend I was for a little while. Now I realize I don't miss them at all!

Last night I had a dream that I did IVF, POAS, and it was +. And I thought, "They do exist!" Then I found out I was was carrying 5 babies - 2 girls and 3 boys (and somehow I knew all of this in the first few weeks). It was pretty vivid, I could feel pressure on my tummy, and I was excited, scared, and worried all at once...

So, ^J^ has posted on her blog about the meaning of dreams. I have never been a believer in that stuff. I think dreams are waaaaayyyy too subjective to generalize like that. But this I can believe:

To dream that you are taking a pregnancy test, may be a metaphor for a new phase you are entering in your life, blah blah blah... Alternatively, this dream may be literal in meaning and address your anxieties/fears of getting pregnant.

Hahaha. Uhh yeah, do ya think?? I think it also had something to do with watching America's Funniest Home Videos for a few minutes last night, and they showed that clip of a mom with her 4 little babies curled up with her in bed, laughing hysterically whenever their dad made a certain noise (I just love that one!). Plus, I always said I wanted 5 kids, mostly boys. So there ya go. My dream has officially been deciphered!


  1. LOL I love that clip on AFV too. I'm not a huge believer in dream meanings. For the most part I think it has to do with what is going on in your life and/or what happens throughout your day.

  2. I've never seen that clip, sounds good though.

    I've never believed in dream interpretation either. I think it's your subconscious working on overdrive to process everyday crap!

  3. Ahhh... I hate those dreams. It's not worth the 30 seconds of feeling good to wake up and feel like shit for a week afterwards.

    An emotional hangover is worse than a drinking hangover. Fo sho.

  4. I'm not a huge believer in dream meanings either even though I posted the links. I thought it was interesting, but I have always thought your dreams were about whatever was on your mind.


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