

Knocking on wood

For not being superstitious, I am very much afraid of saying anything... but... I am on CD30 today. I've had a little mild cramping here and there, and my bbs seem to be getting a tiny bit less sore, so I'm sure the witch is on her way. But boy is it tempting to POAS!

My cycles are usually 28 or 29 days long, but I've been known to go 30 or 31 days from time to time, so I can't really say I'm late. I think I Oed on CD16, so it would make sense for me to start today.

There, now that I said it I'm sure AF will show up posthaste. Are you happy, AF???

Thank you everyone for your sympathy about my YI issues. I am not entirely sure what's causing me to get them so frequently. I know I tend to get them when it's warm out, and lately it's been more humid than usual too. I wouldn't be surprised if diet also had something to do with it, I am a fiend for carbs. I think it's partly stress too. So yeah, there's definitely more I could be doing, and am starting to do, to try to prevent them. It's such a pain!

Hopefully my new plan of attack will blast this Yolanda infestation to smithereens and I'll be back to normal ASAP.


  1. I took her, she doesn't have to see you too! I'll hog-tie her in case she's tempted to bug you.

  2. I am thinking good thoughts for you. Lets hope she stays away....

  3. I love how you named your YI. You are hilarious.

    What is with these long cycles?? gosh!

  4. Hey, maybe your taking a break mentality will bring you good fortune this C!!!!

  5. I'm going undercover and hoping AF doesn't find me. Care to join? I'm thinking it'll be something like "Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego" meets "Who's Harry Crumb?"

    As I type this, though, it feels like she is knockin' on my doorstep. :(

  6. I hope AF and YI stay away from you for a long time!


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