

My best friend, Yolanda Ingrid

Yes. Apparently YI is here to stay.

I made a trip to the pharmacy today that brought me up to $90 for this infection alone. I'm thinking of buying stock in Monistat.

Good thing we're taking a break cuz it looks like it's gonna be a looooooong summer...


  1. Why does Yolanda keep coming back?!? I hope she vacates the premise soon!

  2. That really sucks!!

    Sorry you are going through this.

  3. Any clue what's causing it???

    You may want to shoot me for this suggestion, but have you looked in food allergies? Do you eat much bread or other sugar? If you're interested, look into the Candida diet. One way to see if the yeast is sytem wide is to spit into a cup of water first thing in the morning (before food/water/brushing teeth) & see if there are "strings" going downward (you need a clear glass).

    I hope you feel better soon! I don't get too many vaginal YI, but I get yeast rashes & it's no fun!

  4. Holy crap, Kitty! I'm so sorry! :(


  5. That sucks! I hope it clears up soon! Is your GYN concerned about your YIs?

  6. Aww man! WTH is going on down there? Why can't she just stay away? I'm so sorry hun...hope she leaves sooner rather than later.


  7. Ugh! I'm so sorry about Yolanda! What a b%?$h!!! Hope things start clearing up soon!

  8. Goodness girl!! Cant those darn YI's stay away from you!!!

    Is there anything you can take to try and prevent them - since you seem prone to getting them?? Although I am sure you have tried everything at this point!

    Hang in there sweets - it will be over soon!!!!


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