

Stuff stuff stuff stuff

Thanks everyone for your comments on my previous post. They really clinched it for me that I need to ask my doctor seriously about endo. Who knows, maybe that's what's behind all my problems? Well, not ALL my problems, but the IF one anyway.

Also, I have to say this has got to be the weirdest period I've ever had. It's not nearly as heavy as usual, especially for the amount of pain I was in last night, but it seems like there's stuff in there that needs to get out! I'm not too worried about it, it's just weird.

Alrighty then, on to happier thoughts!

I don't think I have any solid plans for this weekend, and I am THOROUGHLY excited about that. The only thing I really want to do is light the fire pit tonight and make s'mores! (Yeah, pretty much once Yolanda returned I figured to hell with the low-sugar-low-starch diet.) We haven't used the pit since beer festivus and I do miss it so. It reminds me of camping, and that reminds me of being all relaxed on vacation. Ahhh...

Hubs has to work until 2:00 tomorrow, so I get to sleep in and then do housework. Joy! And on Sunday he wants to go to the park to bbq and play over-the-line with some friends. That could be fun actually.

Oh, we're expanding our car search, by the way. We're realizing that the BMWs we want are a bit more money than we'd like to spend, so we're looking at Acuras, Infinitis (which I think I actually like), and possibly a new Pontiac G8 (those things are fast!). We looked at an Acura last night, but it was just okay. I was totally unimpressed with the dealership and the sales guy - we couldn't even take it on a test drive - so that kinda left a sour taste in my mouth! Maybe I'll get to drive an Infiniti this weekend. There's one I kind of have my eye on...

Happy friggin' Friday, everyone!!!


  1. Infiniti's are nice. I drool over the G8's. I have a G6 convertible and absolutely LOVE it. When I get KU (lookit me, being positive), though, I'll need a different vehicle, and have been thinking about the G8. A lot. LOL

    Have fun on your car search!

  2. Good luck on the car search!


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