

Follow up to Lunchtime!

I was a little nervous to check the comments on yesterday's post, and I am so relieved to see that I'm not the only one who thinks The P.ump Sta.tion is a bit weird, distasteful and icky. I couldn't get it out of my head last night and I talked about it with a friend as well as my SIL (who has a child), both who tend to be rather open-minded, and both know what kind of people live in the town I work in. And they agreed that it's strange, to say the least. Whew!

Thank you everyone for your comments!! I have a couple responses:

MotherHen - I can definitely see your point about some new moms preferring the company of fellow nursing moms. I personally don't think I would be one of them. I think I'd be more likely to go back to the car (and tinted windows!), but I'm a slightly anti-social, more private type person. There are certainly women that would prefer having more company though.

Tanya - In both my conversations with SIL and my friend, we talked about what a great idea it would be to have a separate room, similar to a restroom, for breastfeeding in malls and that kind of thing. I think that would be totally appropriate!

I guess what it comes down to for me is the weirdness of turning it into a business, and that I would be way too uncomfortable to take part in it.


  1. At our mall they have this "family lounge" thing. They have one really huge bathroom stall (that I could get the stroller in) that had a normal toilet and a little kid one. Then they had three little "dressing room" type things with curtains and those were the nursing stations. I liked that. That way it's totally private for the mother and baby.

  2. I saw a show on TLC showing new moms how to breast feed. If that is what they do at this pump station, then I might not mind it so much if I was getting guidance. But to just nurse and talk, that's wierd.

  3. Like Christina mentions, the nursing rooms by far are more appealing and private to me... I wouldn't like the whole store (commercialism) part. I hope I didn't give the wrong impression that I supported the store, cause I don't, but I do support breast feeding in public awareness and privacy rooms alike.

  4. I hope I'm not doubling my comment, I thought I posted but it disappeared...anywho. I am totally not in support of some store like pump station but am in support of private little rooms. I also am in support of guidance like Misty said, but I would still prefer it to be more private...

  5. I don't ever want to breastfeed in public if I can help it. Even with a cover on.

  6. I am to much of a private person to want to do that.

  7. possible trigs?

    With my first two kids I failed miserably at nursing because I wouldn't nurse in public. I would wait until I was in my (usually hot and stuffy)car or at home. But the third one was a success because I had finally gotten to the point that it's just a boob and honestly no one is looking at it. They are trying to politely divert their eyes. The only time you have to worry about exposure is the latching on part which by the 2nd month the baby should know how to do and you no longer have to look down to make sure he or she aims well, so you can comfortably do it from under a blanket at that point.

    Lastly I think I finally got it: who dares to get between a hungry baby and his food source? I think people would rather see a mom covered by a blanket knowing full well that they are nursing rather than hearing a screaming baby. JMHO

    Ok really lastly this time; on the whole shopping part while nursing. I don't know what the point is. I always had to sit in order to nurse so I wasn't doing any shopping. Playing on the computer maybe, but not shopping. The store can't make that much money in such a tight niche of the market.


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