


Okay all you wanna-be moms and soon-to-be moms and new moms. I am dying to know your thoughts on this. (Possible trigs)

Today I went to lunch at ye olde Su.bway, which I frequent on a weekly basis, and noticed a new shop right next door. It was a business called The P.ump St.ation and Nur.tury. Yes, you read that right, and no, I didn't misspell it. The windows were covered in cutesy, froo-froo pastel logos, and inside I could see various designer-looking baby related paraphrenalia and clothing.

All I could do was stare open-mouthed, with a look of mild disgust mixed with confusion plastered to my face as I walked by. Seriously. The place is called The P.ump St.ation?? I am sorry, but, "ew," was the first thought that crossed my mind.

When I got back to work I asked my new-mom underling what she thought of it, and to my great relief, the look on her face matched the look on mine! She said she'd gone in there once, and that it's exactly what the name implies. The local (wealthy and well-dressed) breastfeeding moms can take their babies in there, sit around together and feed. While shopping, naturally, because that is the thing the local SAHM's do in this town. Upon further research (i.e. googling) I discover that the other locations are in similarly hoity-toity neighborhoods in Southern California. Hmm... Honestly I can't imagine such a business doing well in the town I live in, or in most any other area for that matter.

Don't get me wrong - I think breastfeeding is AWESOME. I plan to do it if I have a biological child myself. And maybe I'm old-fashioned or closed-minded, but it seems a tad distasteful to me to turn it into a business opportunity. (Even more so a business opportunity with floor-to-ceiling windows lining the entire face of the store.)

Am I wrong? I promise not to judge you if you completely disagree with me (at least not publicly ;). But I would love to hear your opinions.


  1. Don't they already have pump stations... called dairy farms?

  2. New moms might prefer the company of fellow nursing moms. Also when you are trying to get the hang of things it's nice to know that a nip slip won't be looked at. But lets be honest...who has time to shop when you have a baby?

  3. I actually think that it isn't a bad idea, you never know when your baby will be hungry and I would rather there be a place like that than moms who tend to just whip out the BB to feed. I do agree that as a business opportunity it is disgusting. I would like to see it as a family bathroom type thing where public restrooms are maybe having rooms set up, private ones though.... I know at the hospitals in UT, well the childrens hospital, they have mother nursing/pumping rooms and they are private and actual rooms, not stores or for profit.

  4. Wow. I don't really know what to say. Um, really. Hmmmm... yeah, uh. Hmmm...

    Anything to make a buck, right?

    And since California starts all the trends, does this mean I'll be getting one of these shops in my town soon? Yikes!

  5. i, like you, find it wierd. lol.

  6. Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! I'm with you on this one...That is a very distasteful idea for a store and to be right next to a place people are eating at is sick. And, what is with the name, pum.p.stat.ion, seriously??? Yuck!

  7. I think it's weird especially since it's called a "pump station" it sort of makes it seem like everyone is sitting around pumping. Pumping is not a pretty think and I wouldn't ever do it in front of anyone or in a public place!

  8. Let me start by saying that I'm very much for breastfeeding; however, the whole idea of this makes me a little queasy... Seriously. What happens when you pop in to shop and feed (which sounds ludicrous in and of itself) and some lady brings her husband in - wouldn't you be humiliated if a 'nip slip' happened??? I have a feeling I'll have a hard enough time learning to breastfeed - I don't need the general public ogling and/or judging my attempts to be successful at it!

  9. That is awful! I wouldn't be caught dead in one of those. Totally disgusting to me.

  10. Wow! Who knew! CA is so ahead of the times Kitty!! ;-) I definitely don't like that its a "business", but I like what Tanya said... about having more private areas for women while they are out and about.

  11. That is just retarted. Who the hell??

  12. That's interesting. I know breast feeding in public sparks a controversy. And I'm not against it. I've been in church and people breast feed (discreetly). I think it's odd that they named it that weird name and that you can shop at the same time though.
    Boo, that you have to walk by it though.

  13. You wouldn't catch me going there! LOL


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