


I feel so boring lately, and I'm sorry if I'm actually coming across as boring as I feel. There's not a whole lot going on in my life that's of interest at the moment.

This weekend was particularly, and blissfully, uneventful. I spent most of the day lounging around the house while hubs was at work on Saturday. It's a good thing I told him in advance that I wasn't planning on doing any housework because all I got done were two loads of laundry. After he got home we met another couple (MotherHen and her hubby) for drinks and table shuffleboard at a local dive bar, and stayed out way past my bedtime! We all had so much fun; it was nice catching up with those two. Then hubs and I spent Sunday morning with the paper, donuts and coffee; the afternoon lying in the sun in the back yard; and the evening watching a movie. What a far cry from last weekend's nonstop hustle and bustle! Now, if I just had one more day of that I'd be really relaxed.

Alas, I do not! Although I'm feeling a "mental health day" coming on pretty soon. Hopefully I can get hubs to take one with me. Work's been pretty stressful lately and it's going to get worse in the next few weeks, so I should do it before things get too crazy. I have my mandatory 2 weeks time off scheduled six weeks from now, but I'm not sure I'll be able to last that long. I've actually been occasionally (and casually) looking for a new job, but the truth is I don't think anything else would be better than what I've got. What I'd really like to do is start my own business, but can't figure out what kind! So, as with so many other things, I wait.

TTC-wise, right now I'm waiting to O, but I've been bad and haven't been OPKing. Today's CD12 so I guess I should get on that tonight. I'm being rather lazy about this C; I'll count it as a success if hubs and I manage to DTD a couple more times before O!

Well, good luck with your Monday, ladies! I hope it's a great day for everyone. :)


  1. I don't call it boring, I call it living

    Sounds like a relaxing weekend that you much needed. Screw housework !

  2. Sounds like a GREAT weekend to me! :) Yes, get your mental health day in before the super-stressful time sets in. You'll be glad you did, I'm sure.

  3. Sounds like a great weekend to me!

  4. Ha! Taking mental health days...I like that. I need those scheduled in my life.

  5. I crave boring weekends...then when they roll around I don't know what to do with myself!

    Mental health days are good...very good.

  6. your welcome to come over and sew at my house, I'm DYING. hehe.


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