

Dirty thirty

So next month I turn 30.

Don't judge me please, but I'm feeling the tiniest bit (and really, I mean REALLY minutely) uncomfortable about that fact.

I know! I'm being silly. I'm usually the first person to call someone else ridiculous for working themselves into a tizzy about getting another year older. And until the past few weeks I actually looked forward to my 30's. Women I used to work with told me those were the best years of their lives; that they learned to stop worrying and enjoyed life more. At that time I was in a sort of tumultuous period of my 20's, so I was particularly excited about the prospect of feeling less anxious. I still am (and I think I'm already learning not to worry so much, hooray!). But I also feel like my youth is over and it's all downhill from here.

That, I'm sure, is a very, very common feeling, right? And I'll get over it soon enough. I think getting older also has more implications for infertiles than the general public, and that's probably affecting my outlook as well.

Anyway, like I said, it's not bothering me a ton, just enough for me to take notice. I'll be on vacation when my birthday rolls around, so with any luck I'll be too busy having fun to mourn the passing of my youth!


  1. I have huge issues with turning 30. I'm not sure why. I think turning 40 will be a lot easier for me then 40.

  2. I am 33 and my 30s have been the best in my life. I think thirty, in all our minds, was considered old when we were children, ya know?

  3. I had a little bit of a problem with it, but I enjoy my age now more than I did even ten years ago. You will settle into it. The best years are still ahead! ;)

  4. Being the older one here (42), I must say my 30's were freakin' fantastic (- the infertility crap) !!

    Live it up girl ! Life is too short to wallow in the mire !

  5. dirty thirty!!!!

    I'm in the middle of my 30s, and yes, it is the end of youth, but it sometimes feels good to be no so young anymore.

    Hang on, girlie!

  6. I'm with you on this topic - I'm not entirely sure what it is that gets me about it (and like you, nothing bad - I'm not having a crisis about it - but enough to notice). I think it all relates to the picture of where I thought my life would be when I turned 30 - all of the things I'd hoped to have achieved by then...

    Alas, perhaps we'll have to utilize our 30's to make the most of it!

  7. I agree... I feel like each year it just gets better and better and you learn to appreciate life more!! It will be fantastic!!

  8. Farmboy turns 30 this year. I am throwing him a big party.

    They way I see it...40 is worse. Of course when I hit 40, 60 will be worse LOL!


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