

Now I'm just babbling

Hubs and I went to a friend's birthday barbecue last night. When I hugged my friend hello she said to me quietly, "I have to ask, are you pregnant??" I about burst out laughing and exclaimed, "No!!" I didn't intend for it to come out so strongly, but that it did. I had no idea why she would think that. Turns out my status update a couple days ago on FB was taken seriously by a mutual friend, who asked her if it meant I was. I'd said I forgot to cancel a wine club membership and jokingly wondered what I was going to do with the two extra bottles we just received. I guess I can see how that could be taken to mean I had a secret reason for canceling the membership and being burdened by extra wine...

Hubs overheard and laughed, telling her if I was pregnant everyone would know, in no uncertain terms. True enough. I'd like to think I'd be able to keep my mouth shut for at least a few weeks, but who am I trying to kid? I'm terrible at keeping stuff to myself.

Anyway, not that that's going to be an issue anytime soon. Although it would be a fabulous birthday present :) (But I'm not holding my breath!)

It's day 15 and I think I'm in the process of, or am soon to be, Oing. I got myself a nice +OPK yesterday and DTD and everything, just like a good TTCer! I have to say, there must be something to this acupuncture and TCM herbs business. This is the third month in a row that I've ovulated on CD14 or 15, and it's quite nice that my C's have been ending 3 days early too. Plus I've had fewer PMS symptoms. Now if I could just get knocked up I'd start handing out pamphlets to strangers in the street!


  1. I am glad the acupuncture and herbs have been beneficial. Let's hope they keep doing what they do and help you get pregnant!

  2. so true. TCM really works wonders for my PMS and AF.

  3. Glad to hear it seems to be working! that is a plus.

    Do your friends know you are TTC? If they do, they will misinterpret every little damn thing to mean you are pregnant and then blatantly ask you if you are at the most inconvenient time. Or at least it seemed that way to me when my friends knew. ;)

  4. I might have to consider putting aside my fear of needles and try acupunture when AF starts again. I seriously think I would get that pmdd. When that commercial would come on I'd have like 8 out of the 10 "signs of".
    Good luck this cycle! I rarely got positive opk's. Who knows when anything is going on in this body.

  5. That would be a wonderful birthday gift!

    Praying for strong ovulation and super fast swimmers! Good luck!

  6. How nice that accu is helping you! You responded better to that question than I would have. I woulda went in depth discussing my IF issues with a side order of tears. LOL

  7. E - Yep, they know! I'm sure that's why she asked. I don't get that question very often, our friends are pretty thoughtful and sensitive about it, thank goodness!!

    Heather - I'm not sure if it's the accu or the herbs that's helping (I suspect it's mostly the herbs), but it really does help!


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