

It's over

Still no heartbeat, the sac is breaking down and moving down in the uterus. I'm miscarrying as I type this. The doc gave me a prescription for something (can't remember the name) to speed up the process and it should be over by tomorrow.

This sucks in ways I can't even describe.


  1. (((HUGS)))

    no words, just hugs..

    I'm here for you and praying for you. If you need anything, please let me know.

  2. Oh my gosh, Kitty. I'm crying. You and DH are in my prayers. ((HUGS))

  3. Devastated for you so sorry. Its so not fair.

  4. I've never been in your shoes, so I won't pretend to know how you feel. But know that you have "friends" who love you and are offering prayers of comfort on your behalf.

  5. I'm so sorry! I cant imagine what you must be going through.

    My prayers are with you.


  6. I'm so sorry. I have no words, but know I love you and am here for you.

  7. Oh Kitty, I'm so so sorry. I remember all too clearly how thst feels. Prayers for you... ((hugs))

  8. No, Kitty. This totally sucks. I am so sorry and hurting right here with you.

    I'm so sorry.

  9. So freaking unfair!! I am so sorry Kitty! My thoughts and prayers are with you and DH.

  10. oh honey... omg, my heart is breaking for you.

    It sucks. God, it sucks so fucking bad.


    I wish there was something I could do. If you need a shoulder that understands, holler. I'll give you my #.
    Oh Kitty. (((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))

  11. I am so, so very sorry, Kitty. This breaks my heart. I wish I could help you get through this.

    (Hugs) and ~prayers~

  12. Aw, sweetie, I'm so sorry! Sending thoughts and prayers your way.

  13. Kitty I'm so sorry. God, it's so not fair. There's nothing I can say to take this pain from you, but we're here and we love you.

  14. Oh No I am sooo sorry, there's just no words..
    I am here for you.

  15. ((((KITTY))))

    Big Big (((((HUGS))))))

    I am so sorry.

  16. Here through Rain Child's blog...Just wanted to tell you I am so sorry for your loss! I can't imagine what you're going through..Life just isn't fair and I'm so sorry.

  17. I was sent by Rain and just wanted to tell you how terribly sorry I am, I have an idea of the heartache you're going through because less than a year ago I was in your shoes:( Sending a swarm of gentle hugs!

  18. Over from Rain's blog...

    I can't imagine what you're feeling, but I can tell you that I'm so very sorry this is happening to you.

  19. I'm so sorry, Kitty! I remember all too clearly how that felt for me. We are all here for you!! ((hugs))

  20. *hugs*

    So sorry, my heart is breaking. It's the worst. I am praying for you.

  21. Rain said it so well, it is SO freaking unfair.

    I know nothing I say will help ease the pain in your heart right now, but from someone who knows, tomorrow will hurt a little less.

    I've linked back to you on my blog.

    Big hugs and may you be surrounded in support and wrapped in hugs


  22. This is just awful my love.

    sending you lots and lots of gentle hugs.


  23. Kitty, I'm so sorry. This pain isn't something that anyone should ever have to endure. It's just not fair.


  24. Thinking of you tonight. This sucks big time!

    Saying a prayer for you...

  25. Oh my goodness Kit, my heart is breaking. Know that your in my thoughts and prayers, I have no idea what you are going through, but I certainly can imagine. Take time to take care of yourself.


  26. I am so deeply sorry. Thinking of you and DH.

  27. Oh no Kitty, I'm so, so sorry! I know there is nothing I can say... just know that we are all here for you and thinking and praying for you and DH. (((hugs)))

  28. ((((HUGS))) There are no words for the sorrow you're experiencing. I'm thinking of you and your baby today.


  29. Oh Kitty! I am so sorry. Tears are flooding in as I type this. I dont know what to say. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. :( Hang in there sweetie.

  30. Was referred over to you by Rain Child. I am so, so sorry. I know the pain, and I'd never wish it upon anyone. Many positive thoughts sent your way...

  31. I just found your blog through Allison's post. I am so, so deeply sorry for your loss. I had a missed miscarriage at 7 weeks in November-- it is truly devastating in a way that is difficult to describe. I know we all grieve differently, but I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to about what you're going through. I will be keeping an eye on you from now on.

    Life is going to be really, really bad for a while. Just hold on and try to make it through.

  32. I am so sorry for your loss.

  33. I am here to send you (HUGS)! I know how hard this is and I am so sorry that you are going through it. Hang in there.

  34. I am so very sorry. I know the pain and confusion you're feeling. Sending prayers for healing for your body and your heart.

  35. My heart aches for you sweetie. I'm totally crying right now. I wish you didn't have to go through this. Having a m/c isn't something I'd wish on anyone. If they are sure its a m/c, call to see if they can give you something stronger for cramps. Get plenty of rest and be sure to cry it out. DH will prob cry with you.


  36. I'm so very sorry for your loss. This is so incredibly awful, I know. Sending you hugs today - you need them.

  37. I came to offer you my deepest sympathies via Rain. :( This is such hard news to hear and I am sorry you have to go through this because it is so heart breaking after trying for so long. Thinking of you.

  38. Damn, I am so sorry Kitty. I have tears in my eyes for you. I have been there and words can't describe how you must be feeling right now. I am here if you need anything.

  39. Your bloggy friend Rain sent me over.

    Please accept my sincerely condolences.

    I've never gotten so far along in a PG, so I can't imagine your disappointment, but, all the same, know that you are not alone and you are supported by this community.

  40. This majorly sucks. I'm so sorry.

  41. Hello- I just started following your blog through one of your friends. I cannot imagine this amount of devastation, to have made it so far and had it taken away from you. I will be praying for you. You will get over this.


  42. Just stopping by to let you know that I'm thinking about you.

    (See, I'm a stalker in good times and in bad. I'd rather be a good-time stalker, but alas, sometimes life just sucks ass.)

  43. I got the link to your blog from Rain...So sorry for your loss. I'm here if you need to chat. We just lost our little bean at 8 weeks on July 2. It sucks. People dont know how to react when someone has a MC. HUGS

  44. Oh sweetie, I am so very sorry. This just isn't fair....Damn you IF! I hate that you are going through this. If there is ANYthing I can do, don't hesitate to ask. {{{HUGS}}} I'm praying for you & dh.

  45. *crying* God, SIL I'm so heartbroken for you guys. I mailed you a card before i left for work today. N called and told me... I didn't know what to write in the card, but i knew it had a mission to be on your doorstop and not in my studio. It's moments like this that I understand why you have this blog and can see the amazing support. YOu have so many comments and they must be nice to read at times like this.
    I feel like having a conversation with Atticus to work together with me to sneak creme brulee into your house everday for me.

  46. I am truly sorry Kitty. My heart is aching for you and your hubby. Please know that you are in our prayers. (((HUGS))

  47. I love you. I am here for you always.

  48. Kitty, you don't know me and I don't know you but I wanted to say I'm so sorry for your loss and for the sorrow and heartache you are having to endure right now. I can't imagine what you must be going through. My prayers are with you! God bless you!

  49. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know how you feel... :( :( :(

  50. Oh Kitty (a million hugs and thoughts). Seriously, ok not a million, a gazillion! You are in my prayers!

  51. I'm so sorry. (((Hugs)))

  52. oh kitty, i am so sorry, I am sending you love. Nothing will help right now but I am always available to talk with you - we had a missed m/c at 10weeks with no heartbeat so I understand somewhat your pain :(
    k xx
    (hopefulk77 from the ttc12mo board)

  53. oh kitty, I'm so sorry. I know the pain and heartache you are feeling. I am sending love to you both. You can contact me anytime if you need to chat.
    kirsty x
    (hopefulk77 from TTC12mo)

  54. I'm so very sorry Kitty. I have no great words of comfort, except that you and your husband are in my prayers. (((hugs)))

  55. Here from Miss Ruby's blog. I am so sorry for your loss.

  56. Beauty rom Ashes"sent me over here.I am so sorry for you. No words could possibiliby descrive our love for you.....blessings

  57. I am so very sorry for your loss.

  58. Still thinking about you. XO

  59. I'm so sorry. Sending big hugs...

  60. I am so very sorry for your loss. Sending love your way.
    ~from LFCA~

  61. Stopping by from LFCA to tell you how very sorry I am. Please know that we all are sending you all of our thoughts and love.


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