


I'm still alive, and am so thankful for all of you. Thank you all for your comments, no one understands like you ladies do.

I am doing okay. I'm still on vacation until Thursday, so that helps. Hubs had to go back to work today, but he's off tomorrow, so I'm just trying to push through this first day on my own. He has been amazing the past week. There's no way I could have made it through this without him.

I'll probably start easing back into blogging over the next several days. Thank you again for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

This lyrics in this song aren't completely appropriate, but it's been in my head for days as I've been saying good-bye.


  1. Thinking about you and hoping you are able to get through the coming days okay. (((HUGS))) & prayers !!

  2. Huge (((hugs))). There are still no words

  3. Glad to see you resurface. It will take time but with each day that passes, a little more peace will come.


  4. (hugs) You're always in my thoughts and prayers, my dear.

  5. More hugs Kitty. I am here for you.

  6. what a sweet song. music is great for healing. sometimes the words just speak right to your heart. i'll be praying for you.


  7. Oh Kitty - I'm so, so sorry to read this today. I hope you're dealing with things in the best way possible. You're in my thoughts...

  8. Kitty, I am thinking of you daily. Take your time coming back, OK? (((hugs)))

  9. I've been thinking about you for several days now! This is not something you'll ever get 'over', but you and DH will certainly get 'through' it. ((hugs))

  10. Kitty, I just got home from vacation and this is the first I've seen about your miscarriage. I am shocked and I am SO SO sorry for the incrediblly painful loss of your child. (((HUGS)))

  11. Kitty - I recently found your blog through Misty although I remember you from the TTC 12+ board. I am so very, very sorry for your loss. I am currently going through the same thing and it's heartbreaking. I am praying for you and your husband - praying for strength as you work through this painful time. Thinking of you. (((HUGS)))

  12. One of the songs I listened to over many bottles of wine and cried my butt off to was "Held" by Natalie Grant. It's under Christian music genre though just fyi. It really encapsulated what I was feeling with my second m/c. Think I found it on the site or the National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness site.


Step up to the microphone and speak up!