

Following up

The D&C went off without a hitch. I felt pretty woozy all day yesterday, but no real pain, thankfully. Amazingly I haven't seen much blood today. Maybe 3 weeks of bleeding was enough? I hope so. Other than that I feel pretty much fine. A little tired, but no pain at all.

Today is my niece H's 2nd birthday party. Last year, at her 1st bday, I had a little meltdown. Hubs wasn't there with me, and today he's at work again, so as you can imagine I'm not really all that excited about going. Plus my SIL is going on 8 months pg which may be a bit tough to take today. The party started an hour and a half ago and I'm still not completely dressed, nor have I yet purchased a gift. You see how this is going already.

My brother told me today he thinks I'm strong. Hubs has said that too. I don't feel strong at all, I pretty much feel like a wreck most of the time; I'm just going through the motions, doing what I have to do. I am definitely depressed. Still not sure what comes next, not that I have to be right now, I just have this feeling lately like I want to run far away from everything. Wish I could.


  1. I'm so sorry, Kitty. I wish I could give you a real ((HUG)).

  2. I am sending you BIG HUGS Kitty! I am glad that the D&C went well and the bleeding has let up. I hope your body is healing well.

    As for the party, do your best, but I don't think anyone would blame you if you didn't go. Give yourself some time.

  3. It's at the times that you don't feel strong where you are in fact at your strongest - trust me, I've been there and even though I didn't believe it when it was told to me - it later turned out to be true.


  4. (((((Hugs))))) Dear, sweet, Kitty... I know how you feel, but I'm going to echo your brother and your hubs: YOU ARE STRONG. So incredibly strong. Because you are surviving. I'm sure it doesn't feel like it right now, but you are.

    This sucks. I'm so sorry. ((((More hugs))))

  5. Honestly, I think it's alright if you don't go today. Don't think you have to be strong for everyone else's sake. You have every right to be depressed and sad!!!!!!! Take it easy Kitty.

  6. oh you have to go to the party? I think for your mental health you should ditch it. let us know how it goes.

  7. Iam happy that you have finally stopped bleeding. The emotional side of having a m/c is one of the worst thing I went through myself. I didn't talk about mine much on my blog. However I do relate to many of things you are feeling Kitty.

    You are an amazing women, a strong women. Hang in there okay. (((HUGS)))

  8. I'm so very very sorry. I've received the "strong" compliment, and I knew that all I really wanted to do was be weak, cry, run away. You don't have to be strong all the time.

    Hugs to you!!!

  9. I say to heck with the party - you don't need any more stress in your life right now!

    Glad the D & C went well - hopefully you continue to feel OK.

    Maybe you should have a mini-runaway; turn off the phones and veg out... Take a day or two to do whatever the heck you want.


  10. I'm so sorry you're going through this Kitty!

    (((((HUGE HUGS))))) -I wish I could give you a real one.

  11. So very sorry Kitty. You are an amazinly strong woman! And though it may not feel like it now, you will pull through this.

  12. (((( LOTS of BIG HUGS ))))

    And yes, your brother and husband are correct, you are a very strong woman. I wish so badly that I could take the pain away for you.

  13. Isn't there any way to skip the party?

    Good luck!

  14. Don't feel bad if you don't make it (or even want to go) to the party. If you aren't feeling ok with it then just let it be. I agree with the other posters, I don't think anyone will be mad if you decide not to go. Everyone handles stress and certain situations differently. You're a strong woman and I have so much admiration for you. Lots of thoughts, prayers and hugs going your way!


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