

Going to need a transfusion

Seriously, how is it possible to bleed for three and a half weeks and not die?

I was so excited that I only had some light spotting on Friday and Saturday after my D&C. I thought, surely the god of all reproductive organs has taken pity on me and decided to relieve me of my suffering.

Hahaha!!! Right! Turns out the god of all reproductive organs is a huge tease because the blood is a-flowin' once more. No, I don't really need a transfusion, it's not that heavy, but it does suck! I used to have a sex life! I didn't used to need to buy stock in non-chlorine-bleached pads! I used to be able to go to bed sans undies!

Lord love a duck. :P


  1. Oh no. I'm so sorry. This happened to me after both of mine and I remember after my 1st D&E, I was so shocked how much I bled. I thought that the procedure took care of all that. HA.

    Hang in there. (((HUGS)))

  2. :(
    I am sorry you are still experiencing bleeding. I hope that it eases up soon. Did the Doc say how long you would bleed?

  3. Lord love a duck?! LMAO> Sorry Kitty, I was trying to think of encouraging words until I read that last line... YOU ARE AWESOME!

  4. Sigh yes the gift that keeps on giving. I've been VERY lucky and have only bled for a week after each miscarriage but "normal" is classed as anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

    I'm sorry you're at the other end of the sucky scale honey.

    I do love "lord love a duck" though!


  5. Ugh, I know. I spotted for a full month after my d&c (with a break of a few days in the middle when I thought it was finally done).

    As awful as all this is (and was for me), there was also something a little relaxing in not having to TTC for a while and to just grieve and bleed. I hope you can find some peace and comfort now, too.

  6. It really sucks. After mine my hubby would joke that he couldn't trust something that bleed for three weeks and didn't die. Hang in there.

  7. That sucks. I didn't have any bleeding after my D&C besides some spotting.

    I hope it lets up soon.

  8. UGH!!! That sucks hardcore. Hope it stops soon. (((Hugs!)))

  9. Oh this sucks - it's a constant reminder. I'm so very sorry.

  10. Take it easy, eat some iron products if you get light-headed from loss of blood. I pray it stops soon and you can move on.


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