

Spendin' that money

Did I mention retail therapy is doing me good?

Hubs and I never spend money on ourselves. Once we bought our house and got down to business on TTC, we focused on paying off debt so that when we had our baby we'd be in a more comfortable financial position. Well, he and I must be on the same page lately because we both sort of figure, screw it - We need new clothes! Our cell phones are old as dirt! Vacation sucked and we need a getaway!

So we bought a few new clothes for each of us, hubs is getting us on the list for the next shipment (whenever that may be) of H.TC E.VO 4G's on his lunch break today, and we're taking a couple days off work for a long weekend away next month.

And you know what? I don't feel guilty about it. Not that we're going overboard or anything. All of the clothes we've bought have been on sale, hubs researched smart phones to figure out which (of the cool ones) would cause the least impact to our pocketbook, and we opted to go back up north to wine country for our getaway instead of blowing money gambling in Las Vegas. See? Even when we splurge we're pretty practical.

It feels really good to splurge. :)


  1. Awesome!! That's pretty much what we say about this crappy IF "screw it". We are gonna try and live happy lives until our baby finds us. ;)

  2. I like your kind of therapy !!!!!!

  3. You both deserve all this retail therapy!!! Especially the wine country vacation - enjoy every minute of it!!!

  4. Good for you guys! A little retail therepy never hurt anyone! And it sounds like you went about it very smartly, clothes on sale, researching phones. I wish I was half as good as you. That vacation sounds lovely. I am seriously counting down the days till DH and I are going to Tahoe for the holiday weekend. Not that I won't see him much since he's playing in softball tournaments.

  5. Good girl! My retail therapy all tends to be "practical" too, but it's still good. :)


  6. I knew I liked you for a reason. ;) We too are practical and frugal, but it feels so good to shop for ourselves!

  7. oOoOo holidays are ALWAYS good and so is spending money!! I shall be partaking in BOTH of those things in approx 8 weeks.

    Then again 4 months later!

    I hope you enjoy your time away - I hope it makes your soul sing!


  8. Oh retail therapy, how I love thee... :0)

    Enjoy every minute of it!

  9. My favorite thing to when things are on sale! I hope your retail therepy helped! Enjoy the wine country!

  10. Ya know what? sometimes just going out, spending money and having a good time is what is in order!! :) :) Enjoy blowing your money! It feels great!

  11. Yep, we've gotten to that point, been here for a while. Still no child and I'm glad I didn't keep stalling on my shopping. ;)

  12. YOU GO GIRL!!! We are impractical and are going to Vegas over Thanksgiving to blow some cash. I can't friggin' wait!!

  13. Yup, retail therapy is sometimes the best! I say two deserve it!

  14. It's good to spend some money on yourself every once in a while. It may not be as easy to once kids come around. I LOVE to shop. Hmm...need to get around to that this fall.


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