

Bullet point check-in

It's been beyond insane at work this week... and last week... and will most likely continue in that fashion for weeks to come I'm afraid.  But I have a moment of quiet right now so I thought I'd just pop in to say hi!
  • Hi :)
  • Did you know that stress is bad for your skin?  Well, it's bad for my skin.  I've had this cystic zit on my chin ever since my miscarriage that grows and shrinks but never completely goes away.  On Monday it was tiny; today it's about the size of a golf ball (and it hurts! And itches!).  I've been popping Xanax like it's going out of style all week.  Coincidence?  I think not.
  • My friend B had an 80's themed birthday party this past weekend and everyone had to dress up.  I am now extremely sad I wasn't able to fully participate in 80's fashion back when it was stylish.  It was so fun!  I wish I could wear blue eyeshadow, big hair, teal tights, and hot pink off-the-shoulder sweatshirts every day!  I looked hot.
  • Team Aardvark had been doing pretty well in our bowling league... Okay hold up, "pretty well" might be a little strong.  I mean, we were ranked a respectable 13 or 14 out of 17 teams. Then last week all three of us hit our personal worst scores, and we are now 2nd to last in the league. The worst part is we're pretty sure the bottom team has only actually shown up a few times the whole season. 
  • Hubs and I are both off tomorrow for Veterans Day (thanks, Vets!).  Hubs thinks we're going to be working on the garage.  I think we'll be going to the movies.  Who do you think will prevail?
And that's my life lately!


  1. Well hello there!!

    Fabulous to read an update from you!

    And I believe you will prevail but it's nice to let the men think they will ;-)


  2. The 80's birthday party sounds fabulous!!! And have a nice day off. Have you seen Red? Fabulous movie.

  3. I like bullets, just not in guns.

    Glad to hear from you :) I think I could do WITHOUT the 80's fashion!


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