

It's Saturday and the weather's fine

Hubs woke up all excited about going to the farmers market this morning.  I know lots of people find it enjoyable, but I will never understand excitement over grocery shopping.  To me it's a necessary evil at best.  But we did get some good deals on fresh produce, and I got to pick up a pumpkin latte from Cof.fee which made getting out of bed before 10 almost worth the trouble.

Later, while Hubs was putting up insulation in the garage/man cave, I weeded our very neglected planters and pulled up all the dead plants.  Ever since the m/c I've been avoiding gardening more than usual, almost to the point of deliberately letting our plants die.  I guess that was my small way of sticking it to life; fickle, fickle life.  For the record, most of the plants survived the VonD famine, I just had to get rid of a few annuals.  Even better, one of my azaleas is blooming, and the other, along with all three rose bushes, are getting ready to bloom again too.  And now I have room to plant more roses, which somehow seem to thrive in our yard despite my black thumb.

Now Hubs and I are feeling restless.  We have a birthday shindig to attend later tonight, and I think we may just laze around the house drinking vodka cranberries until then.  And at some point I may take a shower too.

Hope you're having a lovely weekend :)


  1. I am at work right now and so jealous of your vodka cranberries :)

  2. Sounds like a lovely day. I am jealous about the least the cranberry juice part. All I have to drink at the moment is water.

  3. Ahhhh... Lazy Saturdays! "like"

  4. Sounds like a great way to "Saturday", especially the vodka cranberries!

  5. Nothing like a lazy day, we've had a lazy Sunday. 4 days back from holiday and I'm still knackered, hoping tonight sorts the sleep thing out.

    I'm with you on the grocery shopping thing, don't like it, never have!

    Enjoy the birthday shindig tonight!


  6. I love the lazy Saturdays - sounds wonderful! Well deserved...


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