


Okay, some more updates.  After talking to my very cautious mom, I decided not to go in for the ultrasound today.  I know ultrasounds are generally considered very safe, but they do put out a lot of heat, plus pressure on the cervix, and I would rather just limit my exposure (and especially the little bean's exposure).  And given my past experience where the spotting picked up after the u/s, though I know logically it was due to impending m/c and not the actual fault of the u/s, I'm paranoid.  So instead I spoke to the midwife and asked for hcg testing.  I got my number this morning - 13,754 at 6 weeks 2 days.  She was very happy with that number, said it was nice and high and that unless I really wanted to she didn't see a need to test again tomorrow.  We'll see.  I had a small amount of very light pink gunk yesterday evening (first time in 48 hours), but if anything it seems to be getting lighter and more infrequent, rather than picking up daily like last time.  My mom and the hubs both think I just need to calm the F down and stop worrying so much.  I'm trying.

I'm definitely feeling a little nauseous these past few days.  I gag for no reason and then hubs laughs at me.  He's sensitive like that.  Actually it is pretty funny, we'll just be chatting and then BMLPH!  Even when I was stressed out every day working at the 7th Circle of Hell I didn't gag in the middle of a conversation, so I am thinking this is a good sign and not just nerves.  Eating helps too, and I think that's a good thing.

That's it for now.  I'm going to go work on Operation: Calm the F Down.


  1. Kit,
    It could be a small subchorionic hematoma. I had bleeding at 6 weeks 1 day and it wound up being a subchorionic hematoma. (Now 18 weeks.) It was a small one and everything was fine, fine, fine. They are very common and the prognosis is good. That could be all you're experiencing. I'm pulling for you girl! You're in my prayers.

  2. I am so thrilled to read this. Those numbers sound beautiful!!!

    Now, relax. LOL! Yeah right!

    xoxoxo Jen

  3. I think you should start your operation with baking some cupcakes, that always calm me teh F down
    Thinking good things

  4. It's so easy for people-even those we love the most-to tell us not to worry and calm down. Finding the will to do it is quite another story. Just know that you are not alone and that we are in your corner cheering you on. ((Hugs))

  5. Wow that is a high number!!! In all my PG I've never gotten past a few thousand. Eeeekkk!! Good news!!

  6. Thrilled for you - keeping everything crossed!

  7. Well I like your plan of action, and Kitty, that's a really great number!! Trust your insticts and try to keep busy. Gagging is good!!! (((HUGS)))

  8. Fingers still crossed; glad things are maintaining. Are you sure you don't want to still do the beta? Would be reassuring to see the number going up...

  9. Thinking of you, and hoping you can calm the F down! :) Sending good growing thoughts to you and the little one...

  10. I had a subchoronic (I know it's spelled way wrong!) hematoma too and I was actually bleeding a ton around 9 weeks when I was pregnant with Annabel, I had the same thing with Annika too and spotted from 4 weeks until at least 10 or 11 weeks.

    So calm the F down! :) Good luck!!

  11. Oh yeah! I've been thinking of you but haven't been able to check in lately due to a power outage from Hurricane Isaac.

    Yeah, when you learn how to chill the F out, please let me know how to do that! ha! I am still trying to learn that skill.



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