


I hate waiting.

The spotting continues... Or does it?  Yesterday morning I had very little, then definitely had some in the afternoon, then none last night and so far none this morning.  I am an enigma wrapped in a riddle. 

So I called the doctor's office and the midwife seemed a little puzzled herself.  She said it's good I'm not spotting now, but thought it best if I get an ultrasound to make sure things look okay.  I'm going in Wednesday morning for said ultrasound and I will report back with the news.  I'll be 6 weeks 3 days at that point.

Again, I'm not particularly thrilled with the similarities to last time that I'm experiencing.  I'm really trying to keep an even keel but let's face it, it's pretty much impossible when odds are 50/50 that things are okay.  I can't even tell how I'm feeling physically because I have a knot in my stomach most of the time.  I might be nauseous, but who knows if it's from hormones or stress?  Hubs says my boobs still look huge, so I guess that is good.  They don't seem to be shrinking LOL. 

Ugh.  Just gotta keep it together for another couple of days.  Hopefully the ultrasound will tell me something good.  Or at least something useful.


  1. Fingers crossed for you... Too bad you can't have a beta today then a repeat Wednesday to be sure.

  2. I know it's pure torture and it's so not fair. "Hang in there" sounds impossible but it's all you can do right now. ((((HUGS)))) Praying hard!!!


  3. (((KITTY))) I am so glad that you are getting an ultrasound, at least maybe then you will know what is going on. I am sending huge, huge prayers that everything is just fine. We are all here for you and thinking positive thoughts!!! Keep us posted!

  4. Been thinking about you dear. Whispering prayers for good news.

  5. Holy SHIT! How did I miss this???? Oh Kitty!!! My heart is with you. Abiding with you and hoping for the best. Love, Allison

  6. They should have gotten you in for a beta today. Try to keep your mind occupied until then. I know, impossible. I have my fingers crossed for you. I know it's just easier to assume the worst, but sometimes we get a surprise.

  7. Oh my goodness, I'm just now catching up. I'm tentatively excited for you! I hope you get some amazing results tomorrow. Everything's crossed...


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