5/2007: Hubs and I are married!
6/2007-2/2008: Not trying, but not preventing
3/2008: Officially TTC. C's are regular, timed BD, OPKs, monitored CM. We figure this thing is in the bag!
12/2008: We were wrong. After 10 C's went to the GP. SA normal; pelvic u/s normal.
3/2009: Visited the gyn for more testing. All bloodwork is normal; HSG all clear.
12/2009: Laparoscopy finds the culprit - Stage II endometriosis lasered out.
1/2010: Started taking fertility supplements - raspberry leaf tea and royal jelly, experimented with some herbal teas too.
3/2010: A single round of 50mg Clomid (BFN, natch)
Somewhere in here I learn that both my mother and sister started perimenopause at 38. Neat!! No pressure or anything!
4/2010: Started acupuncture for fertlity and TCM herbs.
5/2010: Started using Circle+Bloom (highly recommended!)
7/1/2010: Finally ask gyno for referral to RE.
7/3/2010: Knock me over with a feather, it's a BFP! Holy crap!!
7/29/2010: After over a week of spotting, first ultrasound shows no heartbeat, second confirms miscarriage. It's all over at 8 weeks exactly.
8/30/2010: New C starts, back in the TTC saddle. Taking it easy for a few months, no plans to go the RE just yet.
12/2010: Can't take it anymore! We're giving up on TTC.
8/17/2012: AF 5 days late... Surprise BFP! (Cue everyone telling me I finally relaxed and it happened.)
4/24/13: Cadence is born (on my dad's birthday)!
4/2015: Miscarriage #2 after 5 months of TTC #2.
11/2015: BFP! A wild and scary 1st trimester commences. Spotting until 15 weeks. Very slow growth (less than 30% HCG increase after 48 hours around 6 weeks, slow physical growth as well). I am trying to be cautiously optimistic but am actually scared as hell another MC is imminent.
7/28/2016: Maxwell is born, full term and totally healthy!
11/2016: Hubs gets a vasectomy and our TTC and family-building days are officially behind us.